
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

2014 Local Food Summit Recipe Project Open to Public

Submit your recipe here by April 2nd!

With the theme of Many Cultures, One Movement we are asking home chefs and professionals alike to submit a recipe that represents their food culture. We all have recipes that seem to follow us from place to place or handed down from a family member. There may be a classic family dessert that you have re-imagined for the 21st century or a traditional dish that you still serve today. You might have even pulled a recipe from Julia Child's Baking with Julia and modified it enough to call your own!

This project started as an activity for attendees of the Good Food Potluck & Film, but is now open to the public until April 2nd. If you are attending the potluck and bring your item, we ask your permission to photograph it but feel free to submit any recipe you like. Please choose only one recipe to submit, if there are not enough submissions we may ask for your second choice.

For the purpose of an online recipe collection, it is OK to use others recipes as long as we say who it is "adapted from." Rules for recipe attribution are not strict when it comes to online publishing, but will be important if this project is ever printed (with your permission of course). Please let us know as much as you can about the origin of the recipe. See here for additional info on recipe attribution

Please contact Lucas DiGia with questions at